Random stuff from the allotment, kitchen and other adventures.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Leek Moth....

Went to the allotment this week only to discover that my lovely leeks are rapidly being eaten by something.  They were doing really well.  I dug most of them up and cut the worst parts off and made some delicious 'Leek & Potato' soup.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to stop this leek munching creature please let me know.
Thank you.
Well the dreaded leek moth has come and gone and what I have noticed on my neighbour's allotment and also the one leek I left in the ground, is that the leeks that looked completely decimated a week or two ago have come back stronger and better than before.
Next year instead of panicking and pulling them all up, I will leave them alone and see what happens.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Leek and Potato Soup

5 small – medium Leeks
5 small potatoes
1 small white onion
vegetable stock
bouquet garnet
crème fraiche

Peel and chop potatoes, chop leeks and onion.  Put into a large saucepan with the bouquet garnet and just cover the vegetables  with the stock.  Add a sprinkling of black pepper.  Simmer the soup for about ½ and hour then leave to cool down for about another hour or so.
Once cooled a little remove the bouquet garnet then blend/liquidise until smooth and creamy.  Stir in a table spoon or two of crème fraiche and season to taste.
Can then be cooled and kept in the fridge for day or two, frozen if you want to keep it longer or re-heated and eaten straight away with some lovely fresh bread.

It didn’t make it to the freezer.  It all got scoffed for tea.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Stinking pile of…

We found the compost farm where the council recycles green waste collected from the kerbside.  It was huge.  There were huge mounds of steaming compost everywhere you looked.  We drove the car into the barn, got out the shovel and started to fill our sacks with the compost.  It was hot and smelly.  We filled the car to the brim with the bags and headed off back to the allotment.

Monday, 6 September 2010


This week it didn’t rain for two days so I managed to get to the allotment and finish cutting back the brambles, which grow madly along one side of the allotment.  I also nearly finished digging over a second plot.  That makes two plots dug over so far.
Next year I am going to try and grow some broccoli and cauliflower in one plot and squashes in the other.

Have spent this week trying to source free compost and manure.  We have found a farm which processes the composting collected from kerbside collection and they have said we can just turn up and take what we want so tomorrow will be spent looking for this farm.

Will let you know how I get on.