Random stuff from the allotment, kitchen and other adventures.


Hi and welcome to another new magazine section.
This one is for my creative side rather than my practical side.

Since I have no idea how to approach decorating or interior design, I thought I would document my progress through the various projects that I take on in the house. The first thing you will notice is that they take ALONG time. With everything else going on, I find it very difficult to allocate enough time to get through these projects quickly. There is also the issue that funds seem to run out before the project is completed. This must be a common theme for most "DIY".

I will try and relay the projects are they happen - warts 'n' all.

Playroom Project - A creative venture to redesign my spare room.  This sounds very pretentious but I can assure you it is not.  I am the laziest person around and will take short cuts whereever I can.  Also this is on a budget of £400.